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Smart Use of Sub-Domains to Boost Your SEO Potential

By Charles Moffat - August 2011.

If you do a Google search often the top search result spots are occupied by websites with URLs containing the actual keywords you are looking for. (If they are smart they might also contain the keywords in their title and the content).

If you have the option to create your own sub-domains however then you can take advantage of the URL aspect to boost your rankings.

#1. Use Sub-Domains for important topics instead of folders

Instead of use

#2. Keep the Sub-Domain URL short

Don't you any really long sub-domains. ie. is a bad idea. Use,, etc. Unless the keywords you are fighting for are exceptionally long there is no need to be making such long sub-domains.

#3. Remember to promote the Sub-Domains

Just like your other websites you need to use the SEO Checklist to promote the website both on-site and off. If anything you should promote the Sub-Domains more since you're making them for express purpose of bringing in extra people on the sub-domain's topic. The more important the sub-domain the more you should promote it.

#4. Cannibalize any old websites the Sub-Domain is replacing

Any older websites you don't need any more should be "cannibalized" and redirected using a javascript code. The coding is:

<BODY onLoad="redirTimer()">

<!-- Begin
redirTime = "1000";
redirURL = "";
function redirTimer() { self.setTimeout("self.location.href =
redirURL;",redirTime); }
// End -->

The 1000 is milliseconds, a timer delay. You can set this to 0 to have it redirect immediately, or set a lengthier time if you want a longer delay. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

#5. Don't make the Sub-Domain a Stand Alone

Each sub-domain should have at least 5 pages in the folder. A single page is not enough. The more pages of quality content the sub-domain has the better.

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